In order to solve these open missing people cases, the FBI is looking for assistance. Please contact the FBI if you have any information or have seen these people.
There are over 100 people missing in the United States. If you recognize these individuals please contact the FBI.
CLICK HERE to view Missing Persons
Why do so many individuals disappear?
Being missing can occur for a number of different causes, such as mental illness, poor communication, miscommunication, misadventure, domestic violence, and being a victim of crime. Any missing event carries certain inherent dangers, but some demographic segments are known to be more susceptible to injury when missing.
Are those who go missing typically found?
A person may disappear voluntarily, through a crime or accident, or they may pass away in an area where their body cannot be found (like at sea), among many other possibilities. The majority of the time, a missing person is swiftly located.
The average age of attempted stranger abduction victims is 11 years old. The average age of kidnapping victims (with a definite sexual intent) is 14 years old. Around two thirds of stranger abductions involve a car-driving perpetrator. Almost half of strangers’ attempts at kidnapping involve physical contact.